
Arcadis buys Chilean water consultancy

Netherlands-based Arcadis announced on 31 January that it had acquired Geohidrología Consultores (GeoHidrología), one of the largest hydro consulting companies in Chile, with 55 employees.

Arcadis acquired 100% of the shares from the management of the company, who will remain within the firm. Financial details were not disclosed.

GeoHidrología, headquartered in Santiago, was established in 2006 as a groundwater resources and groundwater modeling firm. Initially, the company focused on government agencies but soon it also became active for private sector companies, especially for the mining sector.

In response to client demands it has developed capabilities in surface hydrology, environmental and hydraulic engineering services. More recently the company has added geothermal resources capabilities to assist its clients in reducing their energy consumption

Arcadis has worked with GeoHidrología on projects in the past.

Hernán Bezamat, CEO of Arcadis Chile said: “The hydrogeology expertise is essential for many studies and projects that Arcadis currently develops for mining clients and government agencies, such as tailings deposits, waste rock dumps, tailings and water dams as well as for environmental impact analysis.”

Arcadis has worked with GeoHidrología in the past

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