Atkins has produced a landscape masterplan for the development of 30 km of prime waterfront in Nanjing, the second largest commercial centre in East China, in preparation for the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games.
Atkins says the masterplan will provide public access and address urban dereliction along the Yangtze River.
“Due to the layering of the different development phases in Nanjing’s history, the waterfront appears non-homogeneous and fragmented,” said Mark Kang, Atkins’ project director.

Atkins says the masterplan will provide public access and address urban dereliction along the Yangtze River. (Credit: Atkins)
Atkins has also been chosen to oversee the detailed landscape design and construction over the next two years.
The project is part of a major masterplanning exercise for Nanjing.
Atkins’ scope of work includes landscape design, urban planning and tourism consultancy.
From Atkins.