Contractor BAM and start-up Hardt Global Mobility have created Europe’s first Hyperloop test facility on the campus of Delft Technical University in the Netherlands.
The project was announced last month.
The facility consists of a tube with a length of 30m and an external diameter of 3.2m.

This project will allow Hardt to test all the important systems in a vacuum at low speeds such as the safety, the propulsion, the gliding and the stabilisation of the Hyperloop vehicle.
The team is also studying social issues concerning the new technology. In order to study the integration of the hyperloop into a living and working environment, the test facility is located at the universityt’s Green Village.

BAM and Hardt previously conducted an economic feasibility study for a Hyperloop on the route of the “Zuiderzeelijn”, a proposed railway line that would run through Amsterdam.
Hardt was founded as a company by a number of the winners from Elon Musk’s Hyperloop competition earlier this year.
Images courtesy of BAM/Van Nispen Fotografie