
Bechtel wins integration and delivery partner role for Sydney Metro West

US-headquartered engineering and construction giant Bechtel has been selected by the state government of New South Wales (NSW) as its Integration and Delivery Partner for Sydney Metro West, a driverless railway that will connect Greater Parramatta and Sydney’s Central Business District (CBD).

The win adds to Bechtel’s other ongoing roles in Sydney: as Sydney Metro’s delivery partner for the Tunnels, Stations and Excavation package on Sydney Metro City & South West; and as the national government’s delivery partner on the new Western Sydney Airport.

“Sydney is our infrastructure headquarters for the Asia Pacific region,” said Scott Osborne, Bechtel’s General Manager for Asia Pacific.

Billed as a once-in-a-century infrastructure investment, Sydney Metro West will double rail capacity between the two CBDs and cut travel time to 20 minutes, while linking new communities to rail services and boosting employment and housing supply.

The project is expected to create about 10,000 direct and 70,000 indirect jobs during construction.

Image: Artist’s impression of the new metro station at Westmead on the Sydney Metro West line, set to serve one of Australia’s largest health and education precincts (Sydney Metro West)

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