10 April 2013
Chile’s public works ministry, MOP, has prequalified eight, yet-to-be identified consortiums for the construction of the $740m Chacao bridge, which will connect the island of Chiloé with the mainland.
“The good news is that we have eight international consortiums that will go to the tender stage, which we hope to launch during this first semester,” MOP minister Loreto Silva said, according to Business News Americas.
The final date for prequalification had been postponed four times at requests by interested parties who needed time to gather documentation.
The original concession to build and operate the bridge was scrapped in 2006 by the administration of President Michelle Bachelet.

The $740m project will connect the island of Chiloé with the mainland.
At the time, MOP received only three proposals, the ministry said.
The project was relaunched by President Piñera in May 2012, capping the maximum investment amount at $740m.
Business News Americas said Chile’s MOP received 11 proposals with all the established requirements.
The consortiums will have until year-end to submit their bids.
The government expects to award the project in the first quarter of 2014, with work scheduled to start in 2015, with the bridge scheduled for opening in 2019.