In the same week that Hyperloop One signed a “symbolic” letter of intent to build a vacuum maglev system between Estonia and Finland, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) has closed a similar deal with the state of Andhra Pradesh in southeast India.
The memorandum of understanding between HTT and the Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) marks the ultrafast transport system’s debut in India.
The idea is to link the urban centres of Vijaywada with Amaravati, the city that is replacing Hyderabad as state capital, and cutting the hour-long trip to six minutes.
If the project goes ahead, it will use a public-private partnership model, with funding primarily from private investors, and is expected to create 2,500 jobs.
HTT will conduct a six-month feasibility study starting this October. Working with partners in the public and private sector, it will then determine the best route between the two cities while identifying stakeholders in the region.

The second part of the project involves construction, but it is unclear when this will take place.
Krishna Kishore, the APEDB’s chief executive, said: “Amaravati is a state-of-the-art city being developed in Andhra Pradesh as its de facto capital.
“In order to boost its image and emerge as the frontier city in future technology, Amaravati is looking forward to collaborating with HTT. Hyperloop is a cutting-edge technological disruption in the transportation industry.
“Like most of the world-changing technological advancements, HTT aims at collaborating with the government of Andhra Pradesh to foster research and development, in order to bring affordable and low-cost technologies for the masses. This will eventually lead to improved standards of living in the region.”
Andhra Pradesh State is the seventh largest in India with a population of over 50 million.
HTT has previously signed an agreement to connect Vienna, Budapest and the Slovakian capital of Bratislava.
Images courtesy of HTT