Two US companies have come up with a tiling system using leftover felt that lets you create decorative features that look nice and eat up unwanted noise.
The customisable system devised by New York architect Architecture Research Office and felt supplier Filzfelt was inspired by their dismay at throwing away good remnant material, and by the potential to create surprising textures and patterns with small components.

The components of the so-called ARO Block system are 3mm-wide felt tiles mounted on a 10mm acoustic wall, available in 63 wool felt color options, bringing texture and unique patterning in a normally grey market.
“ARO Block emerged from a simple challenge posed by the FilzFelt team, what can we create to utilise remnant felt?” said Kim Yao, principal at Architecture Research Office.

“Working with typical remnant dimensions, we brainstormed about a smaller unit size made useful through tiling.
“Inspired by masonry construction, each block laid adjacent to another makes a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Images via Filzfelt