19 July 2013
Five unnamed firms have been assigned to study a plan to build a new rail bridge parallel to the King Fahd Causeway connecting Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.
The announcement was made by Bahrain’s Minister of Transport Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed who added that Bahrain was working with Saudi Arabia to develop systems and procedures for sending goods along the King Fahd Causeway and for providing warehousing space.

A rail bridge parallel to the King Fahd Causeway is being planned (Navin Shetty Brahmavar/Wikimedia)
Construction of the rail bridge is part of the Gulf Cooperation Council railway link, which will run for 2177 kilometers starting from Kuwait, going to Dammam city, then to Bahrain across the proposed rail bridge, and from Bahrain to Qatar across the planned Qatar-Bahrain Causeway. Another railway will from Dammam city to Qatar, at the Salwa crossing point, then to the United Arab Emirates across Batha crossing point, then to Abu Dhabi and Al-Ain, ending in Muscat, Oman.
The cost of the whole project is an estimated to be $10bn and completion is planned for 2018.
Source: Bahrain News Agency