
Harvey’s damage could reach $37bn: Corelogic

New York listed Analytics firm Corelogic today estimated that the total residential insured and uninsured flood loss from Hurricane Harvey of between $25bn and $37bn.

Of that, up to $9.5bn is estimated to be insured flood loss for homes in the affected areas in Texas and Louisiana, Reuters reports.

Corelogic said an estimated 70% of flood damage from Harvey is not covered by any insurance.

An additional $1-$2bn in insured losses is attributed to damage from wind.

According to research by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 caused about $160bn in damage, Hurricane Sandy in 2012 caused $70bn, and Hurricane Ike in 2008 caused $34bn, reports Fortune.

Image: Flooding in Harris County, Texas (Harris County Sheriff’s Office via Twitter)

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