The 2016 “Icehotel” has opened in Lapland, Sweden, offering tourists a wide range of ways to “chill”.
This year’s 55-room hotel contains an ice bar, a church and 19 special suites designed by artists for the structure.
Located in the small town of Jukkasjärvi in the Arctic Circle, the hotel keeps its rooms at a bracing -5°C to -7°C, regardless of the outside temperature. (A number of warmer rooms are on offer.)

“Elephant in the Room”
The themed suites include the “Elephant in the Room” featuring a life sized ice elephant (pictured), and “Cesare’s Wake suite” (pictured) based on the 1920 expressionist horror film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
There’s also a rather nice looking “Eye Suite” (pictured), a 1970s style “Love Capsule” (pictured) and the “Show Me What You Got” suite featuring an ice peacock (pictured).

“Eye Suite”
In previous years the hotel featured an ice unicorn and a chilling model of a London underground tube train.
It takes around 48,000 hours of labour to build the ice hotel, which weighs 500-600 kilograms per cubic metre. The hotel is carved from 5,000 tonnes of ice.

“Cesare’s Wake suite”
From the ice hotel you can travel into the wilderness via snowmobile or a husky team and go on a reindeer or moose safari.
On a clear night you can see the northern lights from the hotel.

The “Love Capsule” suite
Visitors are advised to book early, though, because the hotel will likely have melted by April.
Images via Icehotel/Asaf Kliger