A consortium led by Italy’s Webuild (40%) has explained its plan for protecting marine life affected by the construction of a breakwater at Genoa port.
A team of marine biologists have analysed the seabed near the site of the breakwater, and determined what needs to be moved to an aquarium.
One type of animal that has already been moved is a soft coral called gorgonia. These beasts live up to 200m deep and despite being shaped like a plant, are made up of confederations of cooperating polyps.
Technical studies are being carried out on the project, including planning for 2,400 submerged gravel columns and a search for unexploded ordnance.
Construction of the 6km-long breakwater began in May and will allow the port to accommodate some of the world’s largest ships by moving the outer barrier of the harbour 450m out to sea.
Webuild is working on the breakwater with Fincantieri Infrastructure, Fincosit and Sidra.